
Appling Healthcare announces launch of major upgrade to Electronic Health Record system

足球比赛下注很高兴地宣布,足球比赛下注即将完成MEDITECH苍穹电子健康记录系统的升级. After countless hours of preparation and testing, we are ready to proceed with the go-live date, scheduled for June 1, 2024.

此次升级标志着足球比赛下注致力于在社区内提供高质量护理和改善患者体验的重要里程碑. MEDITECH苍穹平台提供先进的特性和功能,将简化流程, improve efficiency, and, ultimately, enable us to deliver even better healthcare services to you.

As we transition to the new system, 足球比赛下注希望确保透明度,尽量减少给您带来的不便. While we strive to minimize downtime during this period, 足球比赛下注必须承认,在完成整合并确保无缝过渡的过程中,可能会出现一些中断. We may experience both scheduled and unanticipated downtime. 足球比赛下注与足球比赛下注的员工一起工作,以熟悉足球比赛下注的停机程序. We may also have temporarily limited access. During the upgrade process, 对某些电子健康记录功能的访问可能受到限制或暂时不可用. 足球比赛下注的IT团队将随时协助您解决任何紧急需求,并在可能的情况下提供替代解决方案.

足球比赛下注知道,这次升级的成功实施依赖于足球比赛下注的工作人员和像您这样的社区成员的合作和理解. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing uninterrupted care.
